Wednesday, May 20, 2020

What makes a great leader 

What makes a great leader   Not everyone is cut out to be a leader. In fact, it takes a certain type of person to excel in management roles. So, if you’re wondering whether you should pursue positions of authority, it’s worth asking yourself if you possess the following qualities.   A willingness to learn Even though they tend to know a lot already, the best leaders have a willingness to carry on learning and improving. Because of this, they tend to seize opportunities to further their knowledge and skills. Many companies now offer their top personnel chances to enhance their abilities. For example, they can enlist the help of people management specialists like Penna to provide leadership development programs. Whereas some leaders see the suggestion that they may benefit from additional guidance and training as a slur on their abilities, the most clued-up realize it can play an important role in keeping them on their toes. Effective communication skills Having impressive insight and innovative ideas isn’t enough to be a great manager. To really flourish in these roles, people also have to be able to communicate their thoughts effectively. Whether they are giving presentations in front of big audiences or having one-to-ones with staff members, they must be able to convey information in an engaging way. Many people, including managers, struggle with their communication skills. However, there are courses available that can help people to improve in this area. A sense of fairness and objectivity Another important trait for leaders is a keen sense of fairness and objectivity. If they display preferential treatment towards certain staff members or are unduly harsh on particular workers, they can quickly lose respect and provoke resentment. Employees want to know that they are being judged according to their effort and abilities, not on the basis that their manager simply happens to like or dislike them. The most successful bosses don’t allow their judgement to be clouded by personality clashes. They see through this and understand what’s best for the business as a whole. The ability to delegate Talented managers are also adept at delegating tasks. Rather than trying to micromanage too many things, they allow other workers to take responsibility for certain jobs. Doing this shows trust in their employees and it can make workplaces run more efficiently and effectively. Of course, for delegation to work properly, the right people must be selected for tasks and they have to be provided with any relevant training and support. This is by no means an exhaustive list of the qualities that great leaders need, but it does cover some of the most important. Image Source; Image Source

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